Actually, we were never allowed to play explicitly violent video games, but when my brother and I would go to the arcade every now and then, we would always try our hands at Street Fighter II. Then we would hurry on down to Aunt Francesca's for a slice of her homemade pound cake, which she sold for a nickel at Teddy's Bakery. I miss those days.
Okay, the nostalgia is unfounded for the latter part, but I really just felt like an old man talking about going to the arcade to play 2 dimensional video games with my brother. Do arcades still exist? I am aware of the existence of a place called "Dave and Busters" which portrays itself as an adult arcade (of which I am incredibly judgmental and skeptical). This seems incredibly stupid, especially outside of something being a corporate event or a team-building exercise... why would you want to go there? Or am I just a heartless old man now who doesn't have an inner child? Can you not just have your buddies over to play video games and have a few beers for free at home? Are you honestly looking to meet someone at one of these places? Is there a large costumed rodent that serves you pizza?
So, what does this have to do with sports, sexuality, and politics, you ask?
Well, first, to sports. The always fun rivalry between UNC coach Roy Williams, and The Devil himself Mike Krzyzewski has heated up again:

Okay, not quite that many. But for an old man, he does too many.
Coach K took time out of his busy schedule of pampering referees and rigging clocks to hurl a minor insult towards UNC (regarding its injuries).

I WANT COOKIES NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Williams responded:"Regardless of what somebody else says about they have injuries too, which is a bunch of bunk, so I don't give a crap what somebody else says, but coach their own damn team, I'll coach my team -- in case anybody has heard some statements about that"
Things like this are good for sports, they just build intensity and give charisma to coaches, who are often becoming politically correct sideshows these days. If I think of any other possible coaching rivalries perhaps I will post on them.
And the other rivalry is: Michelle Obama vs Cindy McCain.
Beltway insiders AP and MW, loyal roommates of TL, pointed out Cindy's cougarlike glare to TL today. And honestly, how could you not like Michelle Obama? Well, Cindy has a great reason. In response to Michelle's comment that she was proud of the country 'for the first time in my adult life', Cindy McCain came back with the inspiring "I have, and always will be, proud of my country". Not to be mean, but if anyone can honestly say that, they would either have to have multiple personalities, an extremely sheltered upbringing coupled with homegrown ignorance, or a Rockefeller. I am proud of what this country has stood for in the past, and some of what it stands for today, but it is dangerous to have unconditional pride in anything so large and powerful... and corrupt. So, let the catfight begin, because I want to see the wax fly:

There you have it.
1 comment:
beltway bandit is more like it -AP
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