Well, I suppose Lenin wouldn't be laughing at how everything has turned out. I mean, the USSR has evolved into a new Russia, where the power-vacuum has been filled in by billionaire monopolistic business owners, and an overly-powerful and authoritarian leader. The average lifespan is declining due mainly to alcoholism among the population, they are completely left out to dry and ignored by most of Europe, and have a rough relationship with the United States. Oh wait. Nothing has really changed. Ironic Curtain?
I really do want the best for Russia though. They always produce a wide variety of hilarious Olympic rivalries, and frankly, new 'big-guy' China just isn't as fun when it comes to these. But it does have a human and civil rights record that rivals even the best of the soviet years!
Plus, the US just isnt going to crank out anyone worthy of beating Federer. Except maybe intelligent, well-dressed, and talented James Blake (apply most presidential campaign slogans here: James Blake- A new American future!). Perhaps Russia's tennis factory can crank out just one worthy opponent. I'm tired of I-choked-on-a-banana Nadal, and Djokavic isn't going to last that long.
Lets see... i've covered politics, sports and that leaves me with... oh, sexuality.
I just want to put one quick thing out there.
Gay men don't choose to be gay. Read the actual conversations below. Names have been removed.
TL: Hey, I just wanted to let you know I like dudes
**: Thanks for sharing your lifestyle decision with me
TL: Actually, I like guys
**: When did you know?!
So the above were examples of purely friendly and innocently nonhomophobic conversations. However, I am tired during the argument (you know the one) of the side argument that gay men choose their sexuality at some point during their lives.
Please refrain from calling me a homosexual, I am really a heterosexual who is sexually attracted to men.
It just doesn't make any sense! We don't choose it, we know we don't choose it, and you refuting our personal knowledge of ourselves as garbage is only a display of your ignorance. So if you would like to continue displaying it, please move on to another argument that has at least some biased opinion to back it up.
I won't waste my time discussing it anymore. I know for a fact I didn't choose to be gay. However it has not been proven either way that I did or did not choose it. Throw that one out, and get to the actual content, or lack thereof.
So, gays... stop putting up with it!
and homophobes... Jesus is probably ticked off at you right now. seriously. what is your problem?
Ok, that's enough bloggin' for me, for now.
As Levar Burton would say at the end of a certain show-
But you don't have to take my word for it!
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