As you can see, Strom, although dead for several years, came back from the dead (hence the further aging, scars) to star as the evil Lord Voldemort in the Harry Potter movies. The studio reports spending much less on makeup than previously anticipated, and cites his 'uncanny knack for portraying villains' among his many fine thespian qualities.
In all seriousness, Strom Thurmond sort of symbolizes what the US nonsouth often thinks of the people living in VA, NC, SC, GA, AL, MS, TN, LA, KY, AR and parts of TX and FL. They see southerners as antiquated, racist, biased, steeped in meaningless tradition, republicans who are responsible for world's perception of the US as ignorant.

Fact: we southerners all live in columned houses with underpaid (and black) servants, well-manicured lawns, sipping sweet tea and admiring great-granddaddy's civil war era pistol, given to him by the great Confederate war hero, Robert E. Lee. We deplore the urban scene, as it is an attack on our rich antebellum heritage. We are also responsible for the nation's political problems. Oh, and women don't belong anywhere but at home. Preferably knitting and/or sewing more patriotic memorabilia (oh i just adore mommy's recreation of the original stars and bars, we shall hang it in the servant's quarters!) We are all lazy.
Now I won't be claiming that we don't have all of the above residing in the south- I would only like to point out the the nonsouth is just as homophobic, racist, biased, and steeped in meaningless tradition as anywhere else. Oh, yeah, and they have republicans, too.
If you want modern day de-facto segregation- Take a look at Chicago. Institutionalized racism? try California. Police brutality and bias? NY, anyone? White supremacy? Race Riots? Indiana, Ohio, and Illinois, stand right on up. Hey, wait a minute. We have that here in the south too. lastly, let's take a look at homophobia! Same-sex marriage ban is just another example of the South's bias. Oh wait. Hop right on board, Wisconsin, Michigan, Oregon, Ohio, the Great Plains, and Nevada. Not to mention the majority of other states who don't allow any homosexual union but have no specific laws banning it (de-facto bans). For every redneck-racist you point out to me, I can point out a country-club racist in your own neck of the woods to match.
Next, I'd like to clear up another misconception about the South that bothers me: Southern Metropolitan areas somehow are often excluded as 'exceptions' to the South, that cannot be tabulated into the preconceived notions the Nonsouth presents as fact. For Example:
Atlanta has among the best wealth distributions with regard to minority status in the US.
Atlanta doesn't count, its a big city that isn't really 'southern'.
Sorry y'all (and a very purposeful y'all), there is an Urban South, and the cities within it are definitely southern in root, culture, and scene. Just because you have unfairly labeled the south as a conglomeration of rural, Mayberry-like towns (of which many of you find both romantic and revolting?) does not mean it holds true.

Charlotte, North Carolina is a favorite city of TL and RK. It is southern. I ate salmon cakes and cornbread before hitting up the clubs in Uptown. RK is wooed by the antique restaurant district.
Atlanta, New Orleans, Charlotte, Nashville, Memphis, Charleston, Virginia Beach, Richmond.... these all count as part of the south. Some are more inclusive than others, some have more homophobia than others...
But its home. So next time you scoff as someone being from the south, realize that there are gay people that live here. There are more African-Americans living here than any other part of the country. Hispanics? Count them in too. Yes, this diversity has brought in the bias and discrimination that has accompanied any diversity in any nation worldwide since the beginning of time. We have major problems that need to be fixed. So do you, Nonsouth. Your urban centers are your main sources of diversity, and with history as my guide, I have seen just as many problems in the Nonsouth than I have anywhere else.
Homopobia and Racism is not the South's problem. We will take no ownership of that as a region. It is OUR problem, as Americans. If you've got beef with racism in the south, quit bitching about it and do something to help combat it.
And lastly, if you're going to insult the south... realize that it is my home. I grew up here (my parents are both from deeper south), and I love it (I don't mean love here in an I <3 NY way) . Sure, sometimes it can be a bit like that jerk-sibling you have that picks on you and drives you crazy. But in the end, you still love them, because they are family. And you want the best for them.
Sure, I intend to live other places than the American South during my life. But I won't ever turn my back on it.
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