OK. So let's start looking for what doesn't belong.
First we have a lovely image of the NYSE on wall street? Economics certainly belong in any political discussion. Next, we move on to Iraq, which (for the sake of brevity) represents all conflicts involving the US... and pretty much everything involving the Dept. of Defense. Next we see some freakishly perfect multicultural schoolchildren giggling. Is it me or is this photo somewhat disturbing? I think the little boy is just happy to be pimpin' dem hoes at such an early age. Anyhow, education is certainly a good topic. In the center, we have the subprime lending collapse and the real-estate bubble bursting. While, yes, it is my opinion that most political topics within the US boil down to economics, this is a big one that I haven't heard enough about with our presidential candidates. Whoops! how'd that happen?! What crisis? Lets print more.... OH now comes our next problem- the US dollar is falling like crazy in the international currency market. While this does have some benefits (cheaper to export---> rise in international consumption of US goods), it probably isn't a good thing to slather all of our problems in freshly minted coins and bills. Next, we have Nickelback. What the hell is wrong with America? Why are these guys so popular? All of their songs sound alike, and while the product is not altogether repulsive or terrible, it is just so bland, lacks inspiration, and sounds the same as every other band out there. Perhaps America just thinks they will invest their time listening to Nickelback because they aren't offensive, try too hard to please everyone, and it just seems like what they should play on the radio. Wait, is it me or does this sum up the current presidential primaries as well?! Back to the collage. Next we have a picture of earth from space! Wowee! This represents the environment. And natural resources, including oil! That's an obvious.
Lastly, we have a lily white Jesus Christ, his Austrian-master-race locks of golden-red hair cascading gingerly to his shoulder, which hoists an beautiful white lamb. In his other hand, Euro-Jesus holds a staff, which he probably uses in various vaudeville acts, accompanied by a top hat, tux, and white gloves, while doing some sort of jitter-bug like tap dance.
Okay, we have a winner. And no, he isnt being singled out here because of the unrealistic portrayal of him. Jesus, was, in fact, lily white, with strawberry blond hair. And lambs and sheep were always clean and never smelled bad. Visit a sheep farm. They don't smell one bit.
It's one thing to be a Christian, a Jew, a Muslim, or a Morman. And sure, the population will take that into consideration when voting. Probably too much so. But Its another thing to use Jesus as your campaign spokesman.
STOP IT! ALL OF YOU! If Jesus wanted to endorse a political candidate, he could return to earth and do it. Until then, why do so many 'christians' buy into some money-hungry poltical hog invoking their good lord's name for the sake of getting votes. If there was ever an example of someone taking the lord's name in vain- this is it. This means you, Huckabee. Jesus would probably hit you with his cane. OK, maybe not, but i'm sure he wouldn't mind if someone else did.
Separation of Church and State was created to protect all religions, not to exclude Christianity unfairly. Keeping it separate is beneficial to both sides. The current situation politically makes any intelligent religious person want to run screaming into the streets. But, alas, this myth that our nation has always been built on the morals of Christianity (which has steadily evolved since WWII) has developed from a fairly innocent looking 'in god we trust' smacked onto our now-worthless currency to a beast that rears its ugly, repressive, restrictive, and biased head every election.
Jesus doesn't belong in political discussions. Christianity, and most other religions all have important lessons and teachings that promote social cohesion and cooperation, among other things. Bringing politics into those only muddies up what originally was good.
Well, I guess a lot of us never learned anything from PBS as kids.
Scutter away, little Jesus crab. The political starfish belong here, you don't. At this rate, they'll dry up, die, and be sold next to a tee shirt with breasts airbrushed on it at an I <3 Daytona Beach gift shop. This crab-legitimacy must be stopped before that happens.
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