I would say that I was putting off blogging awaiting results of the Iowa primaries, but really, I was just lazy and a lot of football was on. But, while we are on the topic:
Obama had a commanding lead over Edwards in the democratic primary. Wait a second.... where is Clinton?
At least after a disappointing (to say the least) bowl season, something good happened. But, in true Eastern tradition, there is a balance. A Yin to the Yang.
Huckabee (a top candidate for an individual blog post similar to Ron Paul's) won the republican primary. according to CNN, his top supporters were: women and 'very religious' people.
Somehow an image of Donnie Darko character Kitty Farmer (portrayed by Beth Grant) keeps coming to mind when I think about this.

"Oh, Please! Please! Don't use those words! It's obviously some kind of conspiracy to destroy an innocent man. And I have taken it upon myself to spearhead the Jim Cunningham Defense Campaign" -Kitty Farmer upon hearing cheesy motivational speaker Jim Cunningham has a kiddie porn dungeon.
Seriously though. That's how I imagine the republican women of Iowa. Not that Romney is that much better, but at least he has a brain, evil or not. But perhaps Jesus does belong in campaigns! Huckabee sure seems convinced he has some sort of mandate of god. Rumors are swirling of a Jesus-Oprah showdown for the best celebrity endorsement.

Basically, I wanted an excuse to put that pissed-off Jesus picture in my blog. Why is he so angry? Oh wait, never mind. I'd be angry if I died for a bunch of materialistic jackasses too.
This post today is very choppy.
In other news, the BCS has failed us all once again. I was going to post about it yesterday. But frankly, its been done. Ba$ically, you need to figure out what the BC$ i$ about to under$tand why it never work$ and never follow$ a $pirit of true competition. Need a hint? Didn't think so.
Following the National Title game, expect a post about rankings.
Until then, sorry for the choppy style. But hey, y'all got a good jpg out of it.
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