"In Iran, we don't have homosexuals, like in your country. We don't have that in our country. In Iran, we do not have this phenomenon. I don't know who's told you that we have it."
"I feel homosexuality is an aberrant, unnatural, and sinful lifestyle"
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (pictured above), president of the Islamic Republic of Iran, had some pretty ignorant quips in his speech at Columbia University this past September. The second quote actually belongs to US presidential candidate Mike Huckabee. Thought I'd sneak that one in there to provoke some thought about what direction the USA could be headed:
Annnnnd Chevy has a new truck advertisement. Well, comparing the two leaders is too easy (kind of like Slylock Fox's 'six differences' comics). I am going to let y'all figure out which bird has one more feather and which sky has one less cloud by yourself. On to things outside of the Sunday funnies?
I was just thinking the other day about how just about anyone in the US, liberal or conservative, laughs at the sheer absurdity of the ignorant quote Ahmadinejad made regarding homosexuality. Now I'm not saying the US and Iran are the same place/different religion.
Speaking of religion, somewhere deep down in the Bible, there is a passage about removing the plank in your own eye before you criticize the sawdust in someone else's eye. Y'all all know of it, I am sure. Now while this isn't quite a plank and sawdust scenario....
Don't point at Ahmadinejad's blindness and laugh, without realizing our nation is in serious need of some lasik surgery. But TL, whatever do you mean by this?
Don't Ask. Don't Tell.
Sure, with the military spread too thin and in desperate need for translators, the legislation passed by the Clinton administration (built by Colin Powell) will surely be struck down in the coming years. But is it not just as ignorant for the world's most powerful military to effectually deny the existence of homosexuals within its own ranks? Sure, the argument is more eloquent. It has to be in order to be written into law. A translation of the legislation is provided below:
Don't Ask, Don't Tell:
I. Section one states that we never wanted women in our ranks, and therefore the rest of this legislation will only refer to men.
II. Gay men are not perceived as masculine or strong, and therefore do not belong in our ranks fighting.
a) They must keep their sexuality a secret from everyone they spend their lives with. If they do not, they will be dishonorably discharged for being openly gay.
b) no one can ask about homosexuality either, in order to keep everything under wraps.
c)The above ensure that men percieved to be gay (gay or not) are subject to victimization and discrimination within the military (even to the point of murder) due to inability to voice their concerns or be open about why they are in danger.
III. Gay men therefore, in effect, heretherein, aforementioned within the rights vested in the United States of America and the vestiges of our posterity between the gratuitous framing of our forefathers, do not exist within the US military.
They don't inherently deny the existence of homosexual men and women in uniform. They just quash almost every possible hope of them living empowered, open, happier lives.
Funny our (supposed) largest threat internationally has the same belief!
Well, I didn't mean to get into the whole debate. Just pointing out our sawdust/plank conundrum. DADT is just the tip of a huge social iceberg. Social iceberg?
On a side note, I will say (and this goes for sports too) if I hear the shower debate one more time I am going to flip out! I believe I may have even mentioned this once before an a blog of old. Why are straight men afraid of showering with a gay man?
Horrific. Absolutely Horrific. TL wishes he never made this.
Gay men are probably more freaked out because they will be looked at as potential sexual objects to a bunch of horny straight guys who haven't gotten any out in the desert for the past 3 months. If you are that concerned, build them a separate shower (although putting a bunch of gay men in one shower might not be the best idea). Besides, I thought military showers only last like 2 minutes? Get over yourselves, homophobic servicemen. Just because you have a penis doesn't mean your gay counterpart wants it in them.
Lastly, keeping gay men purposefully closeted enables them to look at your junk without your knowledge! They have been spying on your naked ass for the past 3 months and you DON'T EVEN KNOW IT! ROVING QUEER EYES ARE ON YOUR SOAPY ASS!!! Build a new freaking shower if you must. You can do it for women, you can do it for gays too. Get the fuck over it already.
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