Seriously. I don't want to sound like I'm full of myself, but I was writing papers about the early 90's Japanese recession and its parallels to the current real estate market.... 2 years ago. If a non-econ major, average college student such as myself can see what's coming.... I would expect congress, or at least the Fed to know what's up. Apparently not.
They suggest extending tax cuts, and giving US citizens more money, then encouraging them to spend. I have some equally intelligent suggestions:
1.) Print more money and throw it out! Better yet, shoot it out of those T-shirt cannon things, into crowds of potential voters.
2.) Invade the EU
Well then. I honestly think the photo sums it up. While some devaluation of the dollar actually helps us with our trade imbalance (cheaper exports, more expensive imports), we don't want it to become the peso anytime soon.
Bernanke. BERNANKE. c'mon you bearded mongrel.
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