Thursday, January 24, 2008

The Majesticrus!

If I kept a list of assholes - and how do you know I don't? - the latest addition would be Archbishop Raymond L. Burke of St. Louis. Perhaps TL can temper me:

RK: How come a guy in a red dress gets to tell people what they can think?

TL: Because the guy in the white dress is too busy?

RK: Did you know this is the same bishop who said John Kerry shouldn't be receiving communion in 2004?

TL: Kerry aborted and ate 3 babies. swift boat veterans for truth.


OK, I'm calmed down.

I suppose I should tell you about the incident at hand. Rick Majerus, lifelong democrat, and Hillary Rodham Clinton supporter said he was

a) pro-choice
b) pro-gun control
c) pro stem cell research

After which Archbishop Burke said he should be fired, or burned alive, or something, I don't know. Probably fired.

CAVEAT: I know some of you who read this are probably Catholic. I used to be Catholic before I learned to stop worrying and embrace the void. I even lived in a monastery for a year. I'm not talking about well-meaning people who use their faith to make our world a better place, concerned with justice and equality. In fact, the locus of my ire is the fact that the Archbishop is making these fine people look bad.

I don't mind people who are anti-those three things. These are hard decisions that each person has to make for themselves, and far be it from me to tell you that they're wrong. But I do know this: I couldn't tell a pregnant woman what to do, I couldn't tell a family of one of the three kids in Newark that were shot a few months ago that they had to die to make sure people who wanted guns could get guns, and I couldn't tell a person with ALS that they have to suffer because God has a plan for stem cells. Again, you may disagree, as per your prerogative.

But what's the difference? I'm not using political intimidation and threats of firing for your beliefs.

Archbishop Burke sullies his post with this political hackery. To think that you can put on some robes, touch a cross, and think you can influence peoples' lives and well-beings is disgusting to me, especially when things are never quite so clear.

TL will soon post something funny. This just makes me angry that one stupid, stupid man can make so many good people look so bad.

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